prot warrior what is block cap

Protection Warrior Rotation Block Cap -75% günstiger
Block Cap -75% günstiger
prot warrior what is block cap
Warrior: Fury Compendium - Elitist Jerks
Haptik - 5.2 Prot Warrior FC Prep // NICE.
prot warrior what is block cap
WoW Prot Warrior BuildA blog about Protection Warriors, Gear, How To, MoP in World of Warcraft WOW Prot Warrior Macros
Mists of Pandaria RBG: Ninja Cap on a.
***OUT OF DATE*** How To Warrior: Aggathon’s guide to gems/enchants/specs/gear Or Hit's a lot more important than you make it out to be. Missing taunts is not
Raid Protection: A Prot Warrior Guide
Guide how to Ninja Cap on Protection Warrior as Demo Lock in 5.1. Follow me on Anook: Join Next Level PvP with me
I will make a vid on some helpful macros but by intervene macro is #showtooltip Mocking Banner /target Mocking Banner /cast Safeguard /targetlasttarget

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